Saturday, August 11, 2012


So, a little introduction. I am Beth Spellacy, a chaos manager, which means I am a stay at home mom of 5 beautiful children, and manage the chaos that ensues within it. And no, this is not why I have a weight problem, although it's a darn good reason. I mean, it's a symptom of the real reason. The why's of my initial weight gain are definitely significant, but I will address that whole can of worms in another post, right now I want to start with where I am today. The past is gone, and the future hasn't happened yet, so all we really have is now, anyway.

The idea of a rebooting my efforts in conquering this weight problem is very motivating...and extremely annoying! That I am again embarking arm in arm with this very old friend of mine is truly unbelievable, but not because the company is bad. Let's face it, I've known this side of myself for 25 years now, so you could say I know her pretty damn well, and she's the side that cares about me. So why wouldn't I want to be around her, right?

I hate the concept of "reinventing" myself, which isn't an accurate description anyway. I'm still me, but having reached the age of 40, I, therefore, have been practically slapped with the very real fact that I have spent more of my life dieting than not. So what I know about this is, let's say, A LOT! My knowledge on nutrition, exercise and my awareness of the psychology related to keeping my excess weight has been accumulating since I was 15. I never tried fad diets, but usually fell to exercise and eating less and trying to eat better.

I can't deny that living a healthier lifestyle has been far more satisfying, meaning, it feels better. If you've ever tried eating well and exercising, even for a short amount of time, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, that feeling. Why wouldn't I want to keep doing something that feels good? Because, yes, truly, food does feel good, too, and it's much easier to do, isn't it? Am I inherently lazy? Maybe, or maybe there's just so much tied into eating that my mind just can't deal with it, so actually eating is the much easier thing to do, emotionally. Whether going the health road is the easy road or the hard road, I haven't decided, but it is the much more preferred road. Why? Because it gives to me so much more than it takes from me. So I choose that road. And I'm going to want company, because misery loves company! Just kidding, I want company because when we share knowledge and experience, we have so many more tools in our tool belt to fix things that break or are broken.

So, I am going to start my efforts again in the concentration of grasping this all important health. I have been through 5 pregnancies, all of which have left weight on me. It's time to keep the memories of those in my mind and not on my body.

Now, I want to gain support from others and offer support to those who are struggling the same way, since I am certain this is how it must be done to finally see success and have it be permanent. So please subscribe and join me this one, last time.

Sneak peak for next post: How I gained the motivation to start again.


  1. Good Luck, Sweetheart! You can do it! Yay!

  2. Well- I finally made a better choice for lunch at Chili's today. I ordered from the light menu- sweet and spicy chicken with steamed broccoli. Very delish and under 500 calories. I was very proud and satisfied after the meal. Hoping I can keep this up!!

  3. Mmmmm spicy chicken!! Under 500 calories, that's a great number! Great choice, Aunt Cin, and thanks for letting me know that Chili's has those options. So glad we have choices like these at our restaurants now. Gives me a reason to eat there...
