Thursday, October 18, 2012

When Reality Sets In

Almost a week ago, I gathered up the courage to go get my physical, bloodwork;  EKG and all. I wanted to get a real picture of where my health stands. Well, the news is less than desirable. My blood pressure and EKG were good, however,  I have high cholesterol, which I take very seriously. Which also tells me that up until now, I have to admit I myself that I wasn't taking it seriously enough. Geez, I've already given up sugar and white flour, now I have to drastically lower fat as well! I actually didn't think I was taking in that much fat, but drastic steps in my lifestyle obviously have to be taken. Now, of course, as is my nature, I'll start to do research in low cholesterol diets and the foods that increase cholesterol.  I'm good at the research, not good at the practice.  I scheduled a recheck with the doctor for weight and blood in 3 months, so let the games begin!! Ok, so what changes will I make first?

Let me say that I HAVE NO IDEA!! Just when I'm thinking I'm doing pretty well, and I've got my mind wrapped around a no added sugar or white flour diet, I'm forced to revamp it again. By the way, my blood sugar was just fine. So I'm sufficiently confused. I usually eat pretty good foods, nothing ever fried, don't eat out a lot, I just thought the amount of calories were off.  Maybe it would be time to consult a nutritionist.  But, I have to do something TODAY, so what I did the obvious, I made my usual food choices, this time being very aware of the fat and cholesterol in them.  I did come across some eye openers, that I thought I should have known, but maybe didn't want to.  Like chocolate and most dairy (that's not fat free).  I'm big on dairy, love cheese, and of course, the chocolate addiction goes without saying.  Actually, my chocolate weakness/obsession was what got me to give up sugar in the first place.  I had a relatively short time period when I was allowing myself to eat chocolate without chaperoning myself.  Perhaps that's where my cholesterol took a leap.

Obesity itself is a contributor or high cholesterol, which of course, I'm working on.  So, I'm making the tweaks and trying hard not to get discouraged.  But, my main purpose of this post is to try to get others who are afraid to go for a checkup to do so.  You have a pretty good idea of what your lifestyle is, and perhaps, what it should be.  But what you don't know is how that lifestyle is affecting your body, how your body is handling it.  I didn't realize my cholesterol issue, but now I do.  I also found out that I am perpetually dehydrated.  I definitely have my father's makeup.  We are prone to kidney stones, so staying hydrated is crucial!  Prevention is the key to long time health!

I am becoming aware that my way of staying motivated is to keep changing the focus of my health, meaning, trying new healthy foods, trying healthy new tricks, to keep me excited.  I don't try anything that will affect my weight negatively, and I try different ways of eating.  I don't want to get bored and discouraged, so variety is the way to protect myself from that.  I love food, healthy as well as not (except veggies, which are a constant trial for me, thus I ingest Macro Greens to get the nutrients and enzymes I need), so I want to use that to my advantage.

I'll take these steps to improve my health, and I am happy to do so.  Of course, I'll report how low my cholesterol is after the 3 months is up.  So many things to think about...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Why am I So Afraid?

After reading, listening and watching a lot of books and media, it has become clear that I have to make some radical changes in my diet. The fact is inevitable, I suppose. First, i'll explain how I came to rhis conclusion, then I'll tell what the changes are.

All these years, and all these programs have always been done with a certain amount of safety.

I've known this fact for a long time, probably a really long time, but I am scared to death to take the plunge. What in the world could be so scary, you say? Well, basically I would have to say goodbye to 2 of my main sources of comfort. Plus the fact that I've relied on my buddies for 25 years! On my left side would be my old friend sugar, and on my right side, meet carbohydrate. They have seen me through some tough times, and have helped me recoup after a long day. This is a profound realization to me, to be faced with the idea of stopping my consumption of these wonderful beings actually is sending me into a panic. Can you say addiction? I never, NEVER would have categorized myself in that stigma, but now I know it must be true. Of course in response to this panic, where do I turn? You guessed it! S&C!  Once coming to this conclusion, I engaged in a full blown binge.  And, boy, am I pissed!  Pissed at all the people who were bringing this reality to the forefront of my mind.  Just so you know, all you folks who think that it's funny to  torture sugary people, I hate you!

Ok, my tantrum is over, the panicky feeling is not, however.  I know what must be done, and I intend to do it.  My husband ensures me that I am strong enough to do this, I wish I could be so sure.  But, I know that I'm in for a slew of medical issues is I don't get rid of this vice.

So, I am formally making an announcement.  As of tomorrow (or today, since you are reading this when I post it), I am off sugar and white flour!  I will be writing about my experience in detail, in case anyone is contemplating this huge undertaking as well, so you know what to expect.  I've read that it takes about 3 days for the sugar cravings to wear off, let's just see if they are right.  If they are not, then I will put forth the truth to all.

As a side note, there will be only one thing I will allow sugar in, and that is my coffee.  That would be 1 sugar cube of added sugar a day.  And I intend to wean myself off that, so it would be sugarless coffee, too.  Another side note, I don't intend to become a sugar substitute fanatic.  Personally, aside from truvia (stevia), I hate artificial sweeteners.  Don't like the taste or the aftertaste. so this is for real.  I'm not just substituting everything sugary with its splenda twin.  I intend these changes to aim toward health, and I don't believe a lot of chemicals ingested are the correct direction.

Wish me luck!  I will see you on the other side of the bakery aisle!  That would be, what, produce?  Well, whatever...

*Disclaimer: Despite all said above, no, I have not had a diagnosis of diabetes, or pre-diabetes or anything of the like.  This is all done of my own free will...and I think I might just be out of my mind.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to Start a Successful Day of Weight Loss

A good, strong day starts the night before. Giving yourself a good night's sleep, or in my case, a night with as few interruptions of sleep as possible, can set the stage for success. This isn't always possible, I know, and there will be days when we will drag ourselves out of bed dreading the coming day. But for today, let's just focus on those days that we wake up feeling pretty good.

Then comes time for the pep talk.  It has to be when you're alone and have no, I mean, NO distractions.  I usually do this in the shower.  So let's have a little chat with ourselves.  No, don't ask how the weather is, which is sometimes as much as we really tune into ourselves.  I mean, tell yourself, out loud, how you intend your day to be and how you intend your choices to be.  "Today is going to be a good day.  I will stay calm, I will stay under control, and I will enjoy something other than food."  Whatever you want your intentions to be for today, say those intentions.  Make them really good ones, if you want, whatever it takes to get you amped up to make the effort.  And dialogue that's very decisive and positive can make a real difference in how we feel like tackling the day.

Have you ever noticed that if you've had a bad night, or bad previous day, it's real easy to feel sorry for yourself the next morning?  And what have I done on days like this?  I've said, internally, of course, "you deserve to take it easy on yourself today.  It'll take too much energy, which I don't have, to eat well today".  So what happens?  I have a breakfast loaded with carbs and probably sugar instead of protein, which makes me feel even more sleepy as the day goes on.  Bad idea.  Always start your day with intentions, positive intentions, whatever they may be.  Set your standards for your day really high, so it's something really good to shoot for.

Also, make small goals for yourself, I make mine every month.  So if I can't find any positive intent, I at least have a goal that I'm reaching for, it makes it easy for my mind to grasp that when I'm not so awake, alert, or willing.

Enlist the people around you to keep you motivated and accountable during the day.  Family, friends, coworkers, the guy sitting next to you on the bus.  Tell them to ask you what you're having for lunch, to ask you if you've exercised today.  Or just let them know that you're trying to change your lifestyle, so be ready for you talk about it.

As a last point, my husband and I have begun to start our day with something called Macro Greens.  Neither of us eat as many veggies as we should, and this powder (mixed with apple juice and water), provides more than our daily allotment in 1 scoop.  I swear it has given me more energy.  It's organic, as well.

I've almost never had a "perfect" day of health eating and exercise, but the components of a healthy lifestyle are many, so strive toward the goal, don't be stalled by the bumps!